Policy & Coverage
- Does Coalition offer Excess coverage?
- Who is covered?
- How long is a policy in place?
- Can you change the continuity date on a policy?
- How to add Tech E&O coverage to a Coalition quote
- How do Cyber renewals work at Coalition?
- What is a waiting period? How does it work?
- Is Coalition's policy a surplus lines policy?
- Are there any differences between Coalition's admitted and surplus lines products?
- What is Computer Replacement (or "Bricking") Coverage?
- What is Service Fraud coverage?
- What is GDPR and what does Coalition’s policy cover?
- Where can I find Coalition's policy language?
- Business Interruption Time Retention
- Why do I need cyber insurance if I outsource my IT?
- Can I extend the policy reporting period?
- What does Reputational Harm Loss cover?
- How does Coalition's policy compare?
- Diligent Search Requirements
- Admitted insurance 101
- What is Coalition's Criminal Reward Coverage?
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Retention Reduction endorsement rewards good security practice
- What is the CCPA and does Coalition's policy cover?