Log in to Coalition Control and on the left navigation, select Security Findings > All Findings.
You will see all active security findings in the "Active" tab. If you want to look at previously resolved findings, check the "Resolved" or "Exceptions" tab depending whether the finding was resolved or marked as exception.
If you want to refer to security alerts, you should filter the findings by severity 'Critical'. We typically send security notifications for either critical security findings or Zero day alerts.
How to see details about the security finding?
Click on any security finding to see a Quick View. Alternatively, go to last column "Actions" and select Quick View. The Quick View shows the following:
- Details on the type of finding and when it was discovered
- Description of the finding and what it is
- Recommendations on how to fix with references
- List of all impacted assets with screenshot of evidence of where we found it
How to resolve a security finding?
Depending on the severity of the finding, you can take actions such as Resolve, Mute and Share
For a high / medium / low severity security finding: When you click on Resolve, you will see the following options:
- Resolve the finding
- Fixed the Issue - Recommended steps have been taken to fix the issue
- Mark as exception
- Accepted Risk - Accept the risk without mitigating it
- Third Party Risk - Accept the risk from using a third party service
- False Positive - Risk was incorrectly identified
Note: We don't allow to mark a critical security finding an exception from the Control dashboard. To mark a critical as exception, reach out to securitysupport@coalitioninc.com
How to report a False Positive?
If a finding is on an asset that belongs to your organization but the finding is incorrect, you should click on Resolve button and select False Positive option
If a finding is on an asset that does not belong to your organization, you can remove the asset going into the Assets tab > Select the Asset > Click on Actions > Remove Asset
How to see my Security Notifications?
Navigate to Security Findings > Security Notifications. This shows all security alerts that have been sent to your organization and their recipients.